Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is tea tarik?

In Malaysia the `teh tarik' is more than the favourite beverage, it is part of our lifestyle.

For some, teh tarik has become a daily indulgence, almost a necessity. Even Wikipedia, the internet encyclopaedia, describes teh tarik as the de facto national drink of Malaysia.

However, due to its high sugar content contributed by the sugar and condensed milk, daily teh tarik consumption may prove to be a health hazard. What more when 1.2 million Malaysians are suffering from diabetes, out of which 98 percent are type 2 diabetes that requires reduction in sugar intake.

So enjoyed your teh tarik everyday everywhere!! pomz!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hi everybody,Apa Khabar? Welcome To Malaysia!! Selamat Datang!! are u ready to taste famous malaysia tea tarik? Come on mate if u stop my taxi i ll drive u not even to your dream destination but also to hottest teh tarik hot spot!! pomzz!! see you mate if we see & dont forget to call me lah!! 60-0193930755 (Mr Tea Tarik) for booking.Tiang Kayu or Thank you or Terima Kasih.